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tv   [untitled]    November 13, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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t.v. dot com. it's midnight here in moscow tonight from is considered our big syria's new rebel coalition as it becomes the first european state to recognize the foreign form group as the only voice of the syrian people got the latest on this breaking news story this morning also from a love triangle to penta good problem the scandal that brought the cia chief david petraeus drugs at america's commander in afghanistan to washington claiming it knew nothing. of britain squares up to three of the world's top earning corporations who were accused of skirting around billions in taxes.
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a lot of good morning for me kevin now in this is our breaking news i just mentioned them from sin the last of has become the first european state to recognize syria's newly formed rebel coalition as a sole representative of the syrian people let's get the latest smarties middle east correspondent paula slate. and we have heard from the french president francois hollande who says that the syrian opposition coalition will and as a team who meet the government in the future he says that once the syrian national council has formed and transitional government is in the whole issue of the supply of weapons and arms lumia traced not only to date six rebuilds the state recognized this opposition coalition one of the tar and we heard from its foreign minister that the recognition would the obstacles to securing arms for syrian rebels a lot of cash amounts being raised before you are obviously now making the way to much more you just didn't wait and see the syrian opposition. it is important to
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make a parallel back in two thousand and eleven on the eighteenth of march france became the first country to recognize the national transitional council in libya nineteen a member of this was the rebel functions that came together there immediately following france as we could wish and other countries we could nies them and ultimately this innate to falling into things and happening in libya we don't need has given his that it will come to this new coalition it says it is a primary negotiated but certainly the arab league has stopped short of recognizing it as illegitimate representative of the syrian people and somebody in the soviet meat that's known to do the rock and women are not fully supportive of the syrian opposition so many questions among them just how feasible is this opposition coalition is greeting is it actually called the resolution need to give the people and organizations of different political and religious affiliations it also has a long beach front internally by bickering and they still are many questions over
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how much influence has on the ground inside syria or spoke to farmers various communications manager for the free syrian army told me they've always objected any possibility of dialogue with president. meeting in power is impossible no dialogue no negotiation with bashar last certainly no one no political power will stoop to negotiation because the syrian people will abandon any further steps in the dialogue with him so no there will be no talks with by charlotte. had a gun was ok that interview but earlier on let's get by up today to talk more about the implications of the french decision i'm joined live by dr mohamad he's editor in chief of the syria tribune news website dr thank you for taking the time out to be with us now from san considering the possibility to have arms shipments to the newly formed opposition group it begs the question is that even legal of course for that e.u. arms embargo against syria still him. could they do that if they wanted to. who are
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all of these difference and the e.u. are being selective in applying the law. not only that it breaks the embargo but also they would be arming some of the extremist groups is this legal in france one of the some. of the u.k. says the arms embargo should be reviewed do you expect to be lifted anytime soon. it'll depend on the calculations of the woods and the shows if they've decided to buy em and they have put there for investment in me in the war against syria and against the government syrian government them they might as well do that part of the important part is that where they live or they are supplying. money to go to one via local proxies maybe they want to do it themselves this time it's possible but no usually it's not much good talk about what if what if but why didn't france and the other states recognize the syrian national council the old one if you like which they supported overwhelmingly originally in the past as the people as the
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voice of the people and start sending cash and arms supplies to the opposition even earlier than. winning it all depends on their calculations and their body and background they decided to to go soft on very good question parts but again they did send weapons they did send money for iraq of proxies qatar will send the money so here it was in the money after he was hosting the variables and their arming training ground. zero all of this was done on behalf of the western nations and the western powers that equation parts was a little bit tricky background and it is still a little bit tricky actually it's very surprising that they are recognizing a coalition of the force on top of the request of hillary clinton as a percentage of the syrian people and this is this doesn't make sense to me and to syria and it doesn't make sense politically given do you believe this latest group formed and over the weekend will act in accordance with the will of the syrian people. on the matter of what i believe they said they want to go. they wanted more
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weapons the first thing they said more workers more work and that's what we want and more workers are not in favor of the syrian people so your people are being killed with these weapons so not. france now who do you think will be next recognizing the group. believe that france will be alone for a little bit but could be joined by other european nations i suppose that washington will hold its breath for a while. waiting to see what would happen on the ground for the most important part is really good mission holder this doesn't change the facts on the ground the facts on the ground on behalf of the syrian army and the syrian people what about the position of the arab league they failed to unanimously recognize the group why is that or is it just a matter of time. i don't know they feel to leave because some countries are not in agreement with a good line i think this coalition and you know this is a sort of policing it was on top of the request of hillary clinton and it was on by a lot of pressure from the countries or from the turks so it's
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a questionable collusion it's normal but the arab characters were marked and it was clear they could like to believe the assad regime is now doomed. well i believe the whole syria is now due for a few months of it is getting good right. regarding the regime again facts on the ground are what determine the fate of the country and so far the facts on the ground are all in favor of the syrian country and over the syrian have syria as a country and as a government entity. syria tribune editor in chief thank you for it forgive me should inform thoughts much pre-show to thank you for. foreign policy chief colin the highland policy expert rather he says i'm france's recognition of the new opposition bloc in the possibility it may arm the syrian rebels is yet another attempt to undermine a political solution to the bloody standoff. it's exactly the wrong thing to do at this point right now there is a four point peace plan that was put out by china it's
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a little vague at this point but a couple of government run newspapers in damascus have said that it looks like it's a basis for to begin negotiations and some talks france is essentially intervening in the situation is supporting a group that basically says there's no other solution but a military solution in terms of of of recognizing the groups i would suspect that britain might be next i mean that was the way it went in libya first syria then britain then the united states i'm not sure the united states is going to step in at this point but i do suspect that britain will be fairly close behind france syria's bloody standoff has exposed deep political and sectarian cracks in neighboring lebanon with gun battles springing up daily in the northern part of the state of his loosely cuffing off reports from a nation hit by fierce clashes between warring groups. they share
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a determination to fight to the death but this isn't syria it's lebanon the conflict has crept across the border leading to death and destruction here in tripoli we're standing here you can see the almost complete destruction of a home literally the front line of the. neighborhood in tripoli right across the street out the window that's the neighborhood where the largely sunni community have been has been clashing with the largely allawi community that is based here it's actually not very safe for us to stand here we've been told by the owner of this apartment that they're still taking casualties in the fighting could really flare out at any moment out of range of the snipers we speak to the homeowner and allawi militia man the misery has only hardened his resolve to fight against neighbors who he says pose a mortal threat. these people have one objective and that is to have an islamic emirate in the north and militia organizations like hezbollah give up arms as long as thought exists. this is been a flashpoint for years
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a sunni stronghold next door to an alawite community but strife in syria has unleashed new sectarian tensions leading to the worst fighting since lebanon's civil war. is the spokesperson for the arab democratic party which has its own loyal militia here in. the. regime falls that this area will turn into a dangerous part of the character for this is what we're trying to avoid. i asked him whether disarming might be an option to avoid more bloodshed. if we're not afraid while we were filming the lebanese army was overseeing a shaky cease fire but the sandbags are still out awaiting the next battle we're in the neighborhood as you can see behind me that is the area where the gunfire was coming down here people have been killed on both sides of this. this is one of the fighting positions this street. reacher has a sunni militia here in tripoli as bubble to ban
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a slum to having fun with his guns and. showing off his guns he says he's ready to use them again at a moment's notice. we're ready to defend ourselves and to fight fire with. sheikh masri accuses the syrian government of fermenting violence against the sunni's and that's why he says support for the uprising goes far beyond empathy. or systems to the free syrian army then would do it within our capabilities if it is possible to give them a gun and some bullets then we're happy. however the syrian war plays out it's clear that the outcome will have repercussions far beyond its borders in tripoli the battle lines have been drawn and neither side seems willing to back down to see calf and r.t. tripoli lebanon. headline news continues after this break.
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more heartache for washington having lost the director of the cia to an affair last week at no risk losing his top commander in afghanistan to the same scandal general john allen has been accused of sending inappropriate e-mails to jill kelley one of the women whose implication into the downfall of one of america's most distinguished offices he's going to she can now with more on the passions at the pentagon. this scandal is just getting worse and reminds more of a t.v. drama possibly with many episodes the latest episode of the investigation into the affair between former cia director general petraeus and his biographer is the revelation of another extramarital affair now between the top american and nato
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commander in afghanistan general john allen and a woman named jewel kelly the very woman who officials say general petraeus says mistress paula broadwell saw as a rival for her affections with general petraeus and wrote threatening e-mails to that jill kelley was the woman who opened this can of worms when she went to the f.b.i. in the first place and asked them to investigate the harassing anonymous e-mails that she'd been receiving the investigation led to paula broadwell's mailbox and apparently her mailbox revealed her affair with the former cia director a few words about jill kelley got i feel like i'm retelling a new exciting t.v. show but reality can be more implausible so jill kelley a mother of three a housewife living in florida they've apparently been friends with the patrice's fool for years and she turned out to be not the most intelligent woman because when she asked the f.b.i. to look into the harassing e-mails that she'd been receiving she somehow forgot
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that her own mailbox was also full of quote unquote inappropriate e-mails from the commander of u.s. forces in afghanistan general john allen also a married official said there were somewhere from twenty to thirty thousand pages of those e-mails of course they did not reveal the content of those e-mails they just said there was inappropriate communication between the two this may sound like a huge manyfold family drama but it's more serious than that and a military lawyer adultery can be a crime and punishment can be time in prison although general allen will remain the commander in afghanistan defense secretary panetta said that he had asked president obama to delay the general's nominate. to be the commander of american forces in europe and the supreme allied commander of nato so john allen would be the third afghanistan general who fell from grace in a war broccoli and so shockingly to many first it was general stanley mcchrystal
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resigned when to make a scene quoted him saying unflattering things about the administration and then general petraeus over a woman and now general john allen three of the biggest names in the war in afghanistan well is because more thoughts. his resignation of the implication of a general allen in the scandal is well we'll talk to someone who's worked with the cia should we. susan lindauer on the line from washington d.c. bolling susan so go reportedly the entire investigation was started by an f.b.i. agent so infatuated with jill kelley that he said topless pictures of himself do you think the f.b.i. was within its rights to expose the cia director's involvement in this scandal i'm sure you've got some thoughts on. oh i do it's a juicy story what's happening in washington is we're discovering the f.b.i. motivation was not so pure is they've tried to make it sound general allen for
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example has vehemently denied having an affair with kelly he says that he was writing letters home. to a friend. and general betray us his girlfriend he didn't have a girlfriend but the f.b.i. lived when they said that she was sending threatening e-mails to a rival it turns out something very different happened the f.b.i. made up and made up the story. the the rival was the general petraeus is girlfriend was actually sending anonymous e-mails declaring that kelly was uppity and that she was exceeding her station on the base that she was reaching too high for friends and that she should take herself down a notch. but there was no mention of. any sort of like stay away
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from my man kind of stuff should do and so some of us in washington are looking at why the f.b.i. is going after the cia well this is the question why. if they are. well first of all i would be but i've i'm one of the people who believes that they are that there's something else going on that they're hiding from us i think that it's good old fashion f.b.i. . prejudice against the cia the f.b.i. has a long history of attacking the agencies trying to take over their operational authority and so they saw this as an easy attack on us who has been rebuilding the intelligence community which was gutted by george bush. has been rebuilding the operational authority and taking things away from the f.b.i. and so maybe the f.b.i.
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decided they would smack down but they but the story that they invented is entirely false it turns out now if you trace had had an affair with a foreign national who was potentially associated with pakistani intelligence or syrian intelligence or libyan intelligence or afghan intelligence that would be a very serious matter but none of that was true this is a woman he had an affair with. was a younger woman but other than that she's devoted to the u.s. military this is this is just sad for mrs portray yes. and it's embarrassing for the family but it's a very private matter and what is the f.b.i. doing reading private e-mails anyway was another school or. one that we've heard it . was maybe not the thing alone patris was a staunch war lobby whole kid many enemies there for the cia and f.b.i.
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maybe the cia and f.b.i. colluded to see him go because it was an emoji. i don't think the cia colluded with him i think that with it i think that. i think it's the f.b.i. alone and what we've discovered is the man who started the investigation was obsessed he began sending topless photographs of himself to one of the women in the case and he was removed and he then went to a member of congress and said don't let them push this under the rug but it should have been under the rug it should have been just abandoned this is it i think i see this as a huge embarrassment for the f.b.i. it is a very juicy story that they've created and it's interesting that the f.b.i. can making allegations against someone and you presume automatically that it's right just because the f.b.i. said so but then in fact it turns out to be an invention to justify
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a witch hunt turns this to come on show you are a series of journalists north thank you for you to be on the program appreciate it . we'll keep you updated on how this story unfolds you can always catch up with r.t. dot com as well those polling. to ask what you think the timing with all this what you're telling us the vote so far shows so over a third of you think the scandal is part of a manufactured effort to prevent patris from testifying on the benghazi killings a little less than a quarter of say it's part of a drug to read all the military's leadership a fifth believe election was at the root of it all if it was hushed up and full of was reelected for the same amount see no link that ultimately was betrayed his own mistake well you turned out to say that our team dot com. now hard pressed for cash and hurting for most britons turning on tax avoiders to help make up its budget shortfall and first in the crosshairs a google from starbucks the tax man wants to question them over owning billions in
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revenue in the u.k. but only paying peppercorn taxes even e g m a colleague rory sushi spoke to our teas pretty boy from our london bureau to get more on the initiative. these are three companies that dominate the u.k. economy they have billions of pounds worth of turnover the but it looks like they pay very little corporation tax to show for it and now employees are outraged by the fact that through very legal loopholes these companies that they say are acting in an immoral way are managing to dodge millions and billions of pounds worth of tax every single year and they want to try and put a stop to it now what about i mean the companies we talk about this being called immoral just how did the companies money used to contribute so little or nothing to the treasury without actually breaking the law so certainly a big mystery well it's all a case of financial trickery rory it's about getting clever accountants that find countries with more favorable tax rates to base a u.k.
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headquarters and so for example google base themselves in the republic of ireland that's way that that's where they sell their advertising space from starbucks abased in holland and amazon based in luxembourg so they managed to pay very little taxes through channeling their revenue through these countries thoughts of public reaction sure surely surely there must be a people the public or even m.p.'s who are outspoken about this unfortunately rory for much of the ordinary public here in the u.k. it's just not funny anymore they say that you know austerity measures are taking hold in the public spending cuts in the public sent are really making life difficult for people and we spoke to a few people out on the streets and this is what they told us if we're paying tax on things like. that we have to foot the bill for that i guess we're paying tax on coffee as well why should they not pay the tax that we. took i guess is up to something close to thirty days that's still like you tend to take is that.
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we think it's fair but you still buy starbucks it's not mine. this is some activists have already suggested a plan to highlight what they're calling this a moral behavior certainly of at least one of the companies so what exactly has been suggested so far. yes well this. anti cuts group these campaign is against austerity measures here in the u.k. they say that in december they're going to launch a national day of action against starbucks what they're going to do is they're going to occupy the multitude of starbucks coffee houses that we have here in london you walk down the street you see them everywhere and they're going to make them into the homeless shelter they're going to make them into refuges into pressures because that they say that starbucks have these immoral tactics and they need to give back to society so they're going to be occupying these coffee houses but indeed it's not just the antique cars campaign as there's
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a general feeling among the british public that people want to boycott these new large amount multinational companies because of their immoral schemes in the way that they do just take from the public and very little back into the u.k. economy which as we know is struggling at the moment and really for people here in the u.k. very difficult to make ends meet at the moment so this is a topic that's rousing a lot of anger from the british public well britain has to cover its deficit is still a sterner to all the way from portugal the german chancellor personally reassured. cuts and tax hikes. will save it probably isn't your optimism report soon china's ten year change at the top we look at the challenges facing a growing economy and whether the new leaders can tackle with more after the break .
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we'll see british science. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy. for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to cause a report. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images we're seeing from the streets of canada. today.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything is. welcome to the big picture. and.


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